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Atomic Habits? Automated Habits?

September 26, 20232 min read

I’ve always loved this book especially this time of the year when we’re thinking about new starts and new me…

It’s so true, as James Clear the author articulates, that the steady acquisition of good habits over the months and years can truly build character and purpose - the person you’d like to be and doing the stuff you’ve always liked to do :)  I’d highly recommend this book but I especially like what he says about how technology and automations can help us build habits, character and purpose. 

Habits after all, are just repeated actions. It got me reflecting on how I started this journey as a pastor and life coach and how I have ended up as a business automation geek with my own business software company. Have I truly changed that much or is software just another way to help people grow, learn and develop. I’ve always wanted to help people change themselves and find the self leadership needed to impact their communities for good. So why software?

James Clear talks about using…

  1. technology to remind us about things… ie. Follow up with a potential client or contact an investor.  Why don’t we do this naturally anyway? Is it because we’re lazy - probably not, we just forget and we need an automated system that will remind us at a certain time to do a certain thing - eg. 2 weeks from initial contact, ring the potential investor and see how they are?

  2. Technology to prepare the space for genuine human connection. We all know business is about trust and trust is about relationships. So the most ‘relational’ business and community leaders I know tell me that software only dehumanises the business relationship. But is that really true ? 

Automation Technology can prepare the two parties for ‘the call’ in a supplemental and empowering way - AI finds the venue (zoom or Google Meet or coffee shop?), the time (checks both diaries) and sends preparatory material (case studies, background info). I’ve shocked myself sometimes with how prepared my ‘leads’ have turned up to the call - they seem to know a lot about me and my company?? And then I remember, it’s because I sent them - automatically - videos (especially)  where they see me in action, testimonials of past clients and links to articles or websites I’ve created.  Automations added to the trust, the depth of relationship and authenticity of connection. 

If you’d like to find out more about using automation to become a more effective relational person and business owner - book a call here and I’ll also throw in 20 free leads and coaching session:) Speak soon -

#coach #consultants #coursecreators #businessautomation #automation #nobrainer #digitalsuperpowers #DFY #digitalbusiness

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Steve Jones

Steve Jones - CEO ClickMovements Passionate to get Empowering Software, Skills and Mindset into as many Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Change-Makers as possible.

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